Hi all. After back to back indoor events, I felt inspired to offer another “Writing Into The Now” event in the redwoods. If you feel the call, join us for a full day workshop in one of the most captivating and de-stressing areas I know, Samuel P. Taylor Park.
This workshop is perfect for you if you are feeling stuck, at a crossroads, uninspired, held back by your past, uncertain about your future, or just generally disconnected from or out of sync with any aspect of your being and wanting to connect deeper into your own path, story and soul.
As Lao Tzu reminds us: “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is wisdom.”
There is nothing more important to our physical, spiritual and mental well-being than to truly know ourselves. Once we deepen our awareness and gain a greater understanding of who we are and how we operate from moment to moment, we can begin to recognize, and therefore shift, deep rooted habits, beliefs and behaviors that may have been holding us back, making us feel sick, stuck, small, angry, uninspired, etc., and from this place grow, sometimes rapidly, into a healthier version of us.
In the “Writing Into The Now” workshop, participants are led deep into the present of their life using forms of expression, observation, and exercises – both writing and otherwise – designed to increase self-awareness. Participants often experience profound revelations during the workshop or in the hours or days after. *
Needed for workshop:
*Comfortable clothes. (bring layers since early summer temps can shift)
* A full size writing pad and a pen.
*Lunch (there will be a 30 minute lunch break along with another 10 minute break)
*No prior writing experience needed.
DATE: June 2, 2018
TIME: 10:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
LOCATION: Samuel P. Taylor State Park 8889 Sir Francis Drake Blvd., Lagunitas, California 94938
COST: $95.00 for the day (includes entrance to the park).
*A greater understanding and heightened awareness of your own lived story and how to effectively change/revise elements of it.
*A greater appreciation of, and connection to, the now moment.
*Practices to let go of what no longer serves you – and invite in what does.
*The ability to connect the dots in your life in a way you have never done before.
*Tools for tapping into spontaneous creativity, soul wisdom, stillness, and a greater expression of what wants to, or needs to, be shared.
*Seeing the pen as an ally that can serve you in infinite ways…including getting you “unstuck.”
* Empowerment.
*Your future story.
Here’s what past attendees have to say…
I look forward to living and sharing this beautiful day with you. Any questions, email: [email protected]